Rethink Tomorrow
The full 2016

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Strategic report

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Accounts & performance

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We measure the success of our purpose and strategic focus areas using a number of financial and nonfinancial long-term targets. These ambitious targets reflect the belief that the use of our biological solutions will have a real and positive impact on the world.
Our long-term targets have been set to measure whether we are moving in the right direction. The targets are guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which were adopted by more than 190 UN member states in September 2015. The targets will tell us if we are succeeding in helping the world become more sustainable, while ensuring Novozymes’ continued growth.
Financial targets
Novozymes’ long-term financial targets reflect an ambition to deliver economic value through high organic sales growth at an attractive earnings level, while investing prudently to drive long-term profitable sales growth.

From a financial perspective, the results for 2015 were good, but from a sales growth perspective, 2015 was challenging with 4% organic sales growth for the year. Given the outlook for 2016 and the uncertainty beyond 2016 related to depressed commodity prices and the potential impact of these – particularly on Bioenergy and growth in emerging markets – Novozymes no longer expects to reach its organic sales growth target of 8-10% on average in the six-year period from 2015 through 2020.

Organic sales growth remains the top priority for Novozymes, and the company maintains its ambition to accelerate organic sales growth to a level of 8-10%. However, with the current visibility, annual organic sales growth from 2017 and through to the end of this decade is expected to be in line with the historical performance of 6-7%.

From the perspective of profitability and return on capital, Novozymes maintains its long-term targets of an EBIT margin of 26% or above and ROIC including goodwill of 25% or above. If investment opportunities are identified to strengthen the company’s sales growth outlook further, management will retain the option to make such investments, provided the EBIT margin remains at 26% or above and ROIC including goodwill at 25% or above.
Long-term sustainability targets
All our long-term sustainability targets remain intact. Across markets, Novozymes’ solutions help make industrial processes and the production of a variety of consumer goods and agricultural products more efficient. Other things being equal, the higher the cost of raw materials,waste and energy, or the more our innovations can contribute to the marketing of the end product, the greater the value for our customers and Novozymes.

Novozymes is experiencing growing interest from customers in being more efficient and using biotechnology to create competitive advantages. Innovation and cost/performance lie at the heart of why customers choose Novozymes. However, sustainability is increasingly a competitive parameter for Novozymes and on the minds of our customers as they build brands and competitive advantages.

Below, we elaborate on our long-term sustainability targets after their first year in place.
Novozymes' long-term growth ambition
8-10% organic growth
Novozymes' long-term targets
≥ 26% EBIT margin

≥ 25% ROIC incl. goodwill

REACH6 billion people with our biological solutions by 2020

EDUCATE 1 million people about the potential of biology from 2015 to 2020

CATALYZE 5 global partnerships for change from 2015 to 2020

DELIVER 10 transformative innovations from 2015 to 2020

SAVE 100 million tons of CO2 by 2020

ENABLE Novozymes’ employees to develop by 2020
The UN’s member states agreed in 2015 on a global agenda to tackle some of humanity’s biggest challenges, from climate change to food security.

REACH 6 billion people with
our biological solutions


Every time a consumer uses a product that has been made or treated with Novozymes’ technology, or contains one or more products made by Novozymes, the world becomes a little more sustainable. By 2020, we want 6 billion people worldwide to use products made with our solutions at least once a week.This target is closely connected to our sales performance. Increasing our reach therefore depends on successful execution of our strategy within each of our industries, and on expanding our sales in emerging and developing markets, which have the greatest untapped potential.

We estimate that our solutions reached approximately 4.9 billion people in 2015.

Planned and ongoing projects to help us reach this target include:

· Launch of enzyme technology to increase sustainability and efficiency in palm oil production
· Developing Household Care products for broader emerging marketspenetration

Billions of people use Novozymes’ detergent enzymes

Novozymes’ enzymes boost the performance of laundry detergents by improving stain removal, garment care and wash performance, and replace ingredients such as surfactants and builders for a more environmentally friendly product.In 2015, we estimate that 2.9 billion people’s clothes were washed with a detergent containing our enzymes more than once a week. With the total global population now close to 7.4 billion, this means that our reach within laundry detergents is around 40%. Hence there is scope for an even greater reach in this category. This growth is expected to come mainly from emerging and developing markets, where the baseline is lower than in developed markets.